It’s 2022, What’re You Going To Do?

In the beginning, it isn’t what you do or how you do something, it’s in the recognition that you want to make a change. Taking the leap and trying something new is most important and making the attempt to be or do something new will make room for the whats and the hows to evolve. No, I’m not the best painter but I love to paint and I will probably do it until I can’t do it anymore. No, I’m not a perfect mom but every day I do my best to teach my child through love and discipline how to be a good person and responsible member of society. No, I’m not the best at relationships but I am working on myself in every way a human can self develop and it’s my belief in the end result that keeps me moving forward.

A friend recently told me this year a good goal for me would be to focus on all of my strengths and to keep my weaknesses in the periphery. I’ve mastered focusing on all the things where I miss the mark and now it’s time to see where I hit the bullseye. I’ve recently had to cut out some areas of my life that are no longer serving me and they’re all attached to the old beliefs that have been with me since I was a child. All I can say is beliefs are powerful! I see it as inhabiting a geographical location and memorizing all the landmarks and street names and now it’s time to move to the next location so I can continue my mission of self-discovery and self-mastery.

One very empowering thing I’ve learned is that what can keep me stuck in my old habits and beliefs is pointing the finger at another. When I’m upset with someone or if my feelings have been hurt it's actually me viewing my old beliefs and habits within myself that I’ve grown tired of and it’s being reflected back to me through that persons behavior. Recognizing the strengths and positive attributes in others is a sign of where your higher self wants to be. Keep your eyes open and see what messages are delivered by the ones you surround yourself with. Do they represent the worn-out and outdated beliefs or do they represent who you want to be? You can only be the one you believe in so make sure to keep company with the ones (people & thoughts) that support your new belief system.

Don’t be afraid to broaden your lens and shed some light on the things you’ve been avoiding. They can only change if you acknowledge their presence and then take action toward their replacement. For me, this means taking a walk or going for a hike when I’ve hit a rough patch instead of eating chocolate and hiding under the covers. This is the beauty about belief, whatever you choose to believe about yourself then that’s what you get to be.

The painting above is of my uncle’s dog, Charley. He actually watches animal videos on Instagram and he has a very kind soul. Today I believe I’m a good painter because I like how this one turned out.

Happy New Year, Everyone!


there is freedom in asking for help!


Choosing What’s Most Important