Tidy Up Tuesday
Tuesdays are for…
How was your weekend? Did you get a lot accomplished? Did you have enough time to recharge and reset your space?
Weekends can be busy and if you didn’t have time to reset, it can lead to starting your week on the wrong foot, which can lead to more overwhelm, and ultimately leave you feeling like it’s a never ending battle.
If weekends are impossible for tidying then here are some days-of-the-week action steps you can take, so that by the weekend you can have all of your free time for traveling, cooking, or just laying in bed.
Take Your Time/Tidy Up Tuesday - Well Monday’s task has come and gone and Tuesday, if you have time, is for completing a task you’ve been avoiding or it can also be for tidying up an area that makes you feel overwhelmed. For my female clients, your makeup bag or vanity drawers in your bathroom is a quick and easy category to tackle. After you’ve finished with your work day, or when the obligations you’ve had for this day are complete, and you have some spare time before or after dinner, lay down a few towels on your bed, bathroom floor, or anywhere you can find space to categorize your essential make-up and bathroom products, and start categorizing these items. For example, make-up needs to be sub-categorized, i.e. all eye shadow in one section, lip pencils, eye liner, etc., make little categories for all of your make-up, hair, and body care. Once everything has been taken out and categorized, now it’t time to wipe out drawers, bags, and shelves for a fresh start. Next, wipe off all of your products and put them back in their storage containers. At this point, if you don’t have your bathroom products separated in bags or bins, now would be a good time to do that. You can use what you already have or you can use small food storage containers, travel bags, drawer organizers etc.
Your morning routine will feel fresh and new when you walk into your bathroom and see all of your morning prep items de-cluttered, clean, and organized.
If you aren’t wanting to tidy up an area in your living space, think of a task that you’ve been avoiding and do it immediately, you can also schedule this task on your calendar like you would a dentist or doctor appointment. You can repeat this every Tuesday until all of your tasks are complete and Tuesday can then become your day that you accomplish tasks you avoid or it can be the day you tidy up however you see fit. This may lead to you accomplishing tasks in the moment and not waiting until Tuesday to mark them off of your list!