Doing It KonMari Style: Discarding Social Media
Today marks the day that I have deleted Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. Yes, it may seem dramatic but as a business owner you get sucked into thinking this is something you must do to stay relevant and to be on top of all the goings on in the world. It doesn’t spark joy for me to try to keep up with everyone else and to figure out how to attract more likes and followers all in an attempt to bring in more clients. It makes me feel like I’m missing something and honestly I spend too much time on my phone.
So I’m spring cleaning my priorities! I just want to be me so I will only be blogging from now on. Writing sparks joy and I can connect with my audience more authentically this way. I also want to be more present with my family and devote more time to my business with the goal of truly helping those that need me the most! Thank you for supporting me and I appreciate all of you that have taken the time to read this, your content is just as important and special but I have to do this in order to make a major change in my life.
Social Media, I am thanking you and discarding what no longer sparks joy and to any of you that feel the same I urge you to discard it with gratitude as well. Please stay in touch and if my posts no longer spark joy for you by all means please don’t feel obligated to stay, one of the major rules in KonMari is to keep nothing out of obligation! --xo kate