Once Upon A Remodel - Making My Home Spark Even More Joy!

Hello, Everyone!

Yes, I’ve done it, I’ve decided to remodel my home!

**See our progress below!


6/18/19 - We’ve been slowly moving forward but today we dug our first hole. We had to prove to the city that the garage is on a 3 ft foundation so that we may turn it into a bedroom. We also got the plans for our kitchen remodel.

July 2, 2019

we decided to completely vacate and within 24 hours we found an apartment and a moving company.

July 3, 2019

This is what happened to our house just minutes after we completed our move out.

August 7, 2019

Another update! We’ve made a bit of progress! Do you think we will be ready to move in in a month?


The skylights went in last week and we will be ready for inspections early next week.

Well.....it’s been a while since my last update of the home remodel. A lot has happened and we hope to be moving back into our home in the next week or two. We are in love with all of the changes we’ve made and can’t wait to report another update when everything is finished. Remodeling a home is very challenging and I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t have a designer on board. My hubby and I thought we could figure it out on our own but we ended up having to re-do a few things (eeek). Thanks for reading and we’d love to hear from you if you’re a diy-er and if you’ve had any fumbles along the way.


A KonMari Closet Make-Over


Doing It KonMari Style: Discarding Social Media