Joy At Work - From Home

On April 7th Marie Kondo launched her new book “Joy at Work”. Now that the majority of us are working from home, you may be feeling a bit anxious and uneasy.

In addition to a variety of other issues, this could also be because you have too many things in your living space that are bidding for your attention. One way to alleviate this feeling of overhwhelm is to create a space you desire to be in and you do this by removing the things you don’t need and finding permanent homes for all of the things you do need.

If the thought of organizing your work space feels too overwhelming, simply start with the books category and see if anything shifts inside of you. The paper category will seem like an impossibility, but trust me on this, once you start sorting things into piles, the momentum will build and you’ll be finished in no time.

​Getting started is usually the one hurdle that is the most difficult. You will feel better and more energized. I also urge you to keep tidying until you’ve completed your tidying festival. Then, put on your seat belt, and watch the course of your life take off like a rocket into places unknown.

The most recent client I’ve helped has reported that since removing all the clutter from her home, her business is so busy she’s had to hire more help. So, good luck to all of you and happy tidying!



April 06th, 2020