finding the magic…
It took a while for me to be brave enough to listen to my intuition and find my calling as a professional organizer, but looking back on it, I was destined for this career path. It’s in my genes.
My grandmother is from Holland, a tiny country admired for its minimalist design. My mom was an Army brat whose family moved from base to base, so she was an expert at living minimally as well–it’s just too time-consuming to pack and unpack a mountain of belongings as often as they relocated. My dad and grandfather were both in the Navy so as you can see I had lots of tidy people around me.
I was an only child (does that mean i’m now an only adult?), so growing up, I had tons of toys to play with and keep me occupied. When you’re young, you don’t yet have the skills to manage your belongings, so my mother and I would spend time together organizing my playroom on Saturday mornings. That was our quality time. We’d spend hours organizing my books, Cabbage Patch dolls, and other trinkets until my room was fresh and new again. In retrospect, this is when I learned the magic of having an organized space–and the feeling of nurturing and support that having someone help you achieve that can bring.
I’ve held enough corporate and office jobs over the years to know that the 9-5 life was never for me. As an artist and free spirit, I felt restricted by the hours and lack of creative outlets in those positions. In 2005, a friend told me about the emerging field of personal concierges in New York, thinking it would be a great fit for me here in Denver. “You should name it “Call Kate,” she suggested. Another friend who happened to be a graphic designer agreed and offered to make my business card for free and then told everyone she knew about me.
Prior to this, I was lost and felt like I couldn’t find my place. The empty space inside of me was growing by the day. So, I put college on hold, quit my job and sold my car. Yikes! Apparently the Universe agreed with my friends support because my business took off almost over night! I’ll never forget the first client who found me through online advertising. She had severe scoliosis and two beautiful adopted daughters. She couldn’t climb the stairs in her home because of back pain, so I helped her once or twice a week for a few months. My very first day on the job, we found the jewelry her mother had given to her, and she cried from joy and relief.
In that moment, I realized: I’m here to help people, and this is how.
Many of my clients are going through big life changes or difficult personal situations such as physical or emotional traumas. Your belongings are a direct reflection of the inner you. When you are going through tough times, it’s no surprise that your personal space may become overwhelming and out-of-control. In this work, I have found that once people get organized, they experience a profound shift on several levels. You might think you need to get yourself together on the inside first, but the opposite is actually true. Spending time in an organized space, free of clutter, can be a powerful catalyst for emotional growth, productivity, and joy.
I see this transformation firsthand all the time. Often, when I start a job, I can tell when a client is reluctant or dreading the first appointment. I notice the slumped shoulders, frowns, and heavy energy. But once we get going, they are motivated, smiling, and noticeably lighter. The physical purge of “stuff” is not just symbolic of an emotional purge–it’s very real, and extremely powerful. I liken it to a dentist visit where all the plaque and tartar is removed, and you leave wondering why you waited so long to go in. It’s a fresh, clean start.
I’m an energetic, open-minded person who loves helping people. There is never any judgment because we all have parts of our lives that can use improvement, and there is no shame at all in asking for help. We start from where you are and take things from there. (And besides, the more complex the project, the happier my inner organization geek!)
I’ve been through a divorce, am a single mom, and have experienced my own health issues, so I am as empathetic as they come. As an adult, my grandmother and mom have both helped me tidy up when my work schedule gets hectic. That feeling of support makes me feel loved and taken care of, and helps me be a better mom and business owner. I want that feeling for my clients too.
One very important thing I want you to know about me is that I’m still untidy at times and laundry sits in the basket sometimes for a long while. One way I get back to my center is by tidying up and putting everything back in its place. It’s the way I reconnect with myself. It’s my therapy.
If you need help organizing your life, don’t be shy: contact me for a free consultation and we can discuss your needs with no obligation or pressure. I’ve never had anyone regret it, and you’ll be amazed at how a tidy space can shift your entire energy, outlook and way of thinking. Once we get your space where it needs to be, it’s much easier to maintain because I can show you some tricks and tips to help keep it that way. I also have a wonderful team of women to assist with larger projects!
Show your home some love by getting organized, and I promise, you won’t regret it! <3
home love method
/hōm/ /ləv/ /ˈmeTHəd/
1. It’s a sprinkling of what you need and love the most minus the clutter and things that no longer serve you.
2. It’s the perfect recipe for all the unique pieces that make you you and displaying them so you feel inspired, energized, and revitalized in your special place.
3. It’s the practice of creating your visions and dreams, spending time with the ones you love, and caring for your precious body. Your home is your sanctuary, and we want you to love being at home.
Step 1: Pull everything Out!
When tidying a space, it’s important to take everything out so you can truly get a clear vision of what you want to keep, what you want it to look like, and how you want it to function. For example, when tidying your closet, you must pull everything out of drawers and clear all spaces from where you store clothing. This is the most important step when tidying your home, so make sure you fully complete this step.
Step 2: Pick all of Your Favorites!
Once everything has been pulled out and categorized, you will then be able to choose what you want to keep and what you don’t. Not sure what are your faves? Choose by comparing the feeling you get from one you really love to one you don’t. Your choices can be based on the look of the item or its function. This step will also train your mind on how to care for your home and keep it tidy by only keeping your favorites.
Step 3: Put everything In Its Place!
Once you’ve removed all the clutter and you have only your favorites in front of you, finding the perfect and permanent place for your things becomes simple and easy. You’ll always know where everything is and you’ll love putting things back in their place when you’re finished using them. Consistently putting your things away will make you feel energized and inspired to always be tidy.
Meet the organizing team!
’80’s hair bands are her fave, along with eating lots of veggies while doing yoga, and working with seniors is her forté.
Loves her cat Lottie, all things vintage, tattoos, thrift shops, & drinking lots of coffee. She also loves Disney movies!
Addicted to golf, her dog Georgie, black licorice, and interior design shows. She drives her golf cart with grace and poise.
A new-ish grandma, loves to garden, is a golf player, and loves to smile A LOT! Rochelle will whip your house into shape!
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