When it’s time to make a change…

It seems to me everything is a reflection of my inner experience. Feeling out of alignment one day I was jolted into the perfection of the experience when the truck in front of me the back to tires were so far out of alignment with the front two tires that it looked like it would slide off of the road. I walked into Sprouts after having a beautiful inner image of being given a new pair of shoes and Paolo Nutini’s song “New Shoes” was playing. A few months ago I painted an imagined landscape as tall as I am of a green grass with flowers and a mountain scene in the background. I was recently in Joshua Tree driving down 29 Palms Hwy and the exact scene from my painting was right in front of my eyes.

What does any of this mean?

I don’t think life just happens to us, I think we create it inside first with our thoughts and then it is manifested and becomes visible outside of us.

Geez Louise, I need to rethink my creations.

I’m actually afraid to think of anything because it seems like I am creating everything I’m thinking about.

So for now, I will try to only think about being a loving and present being. Hopefully by doing this I will be able to circumvent creating undesirable things.


We’re taking a break!


Love is our universal language…