The Truth Behind KonMari and Tidying Your Books!

Marie Kondo received a lot of flack when she suggested that you "get rid of your books" (and she never actually said it quite like that) but this is what it looks like when you apply the KonMari Method to your books.

For some of us, we buy a book, read it, and then keep it on our book shelves (or nightstands, under our beds, in our basements, in the kitchen, in our cars...) However, books are meant to be read, not stored as relics or dust collectors. ​

​As a Certified KonMari Consultant, I’m here to assure you that tidying your books is painless and very effective, but for those of you with a sensitivity to tidying books, you may not want to read any further for there are some shocking images following this message. :)

Step One: Gather all books from where they are stored and place them in one spot.

Step Two: Assess each title by asking yourself, if it’s something you haven’t read, will you read it, and if it’s something you have read, will you read it again.

Step Three: Once you have touched every book and magazine you own, lovingly place each one back on the shelf standing upright.

Finally, decide where to responsibly re-home the books you no longer wish to keep.

That’s it!

​***No books were harmed before, during, or after this tidying lesson!**


The KonMari Method: Tidying Could Save Your Life!


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