The KonMari Method is a Spark-Joy Sensation…..
....a.k.a. don’t keep anything in your home that doesn’t make you happy!
Because you must make room for the things you DO want for yourself. Holding on to old photos is keeping all the new moments and photo ops from finding you. All of those old books you have that are just sitting there, dusty on your shelves, never to be read again, are stopping you from discovering the new and magical ones. Not only that, but those old books are also not fulfilling their purpose by sitting on your shelf, which can then create obstacles for you to move forward in your life. Some Japanese people believe that inanimate objects have feelings just like you and I do and that everything must fulfill it’s purpose. This is why we give praise to our belongings in the KonMari Method.
Leaving the clothes in your closet that you skip over every morning when choosing something to wear to work is a direct obstacle to you finding that beautiful dress or sweater that you will absolutely love. Those clothes you repeatedly ignore also have a direct effect on how you feel about getting dressed and starting your day.
Do you have a bunch of old shoes in your closet that hurt your feet or maybe don’t make you happy when you wear them? Yep, you guessed it! Those old shoes you don’t wear are hogging the space in your closet and they're keeping you from finding the comfy cute ones you can’t wait to put on. They’re also telling the world you don’t mind being in pain as you walk through life. Yikes!
Are you seeing a pattern?
If we hang on to the things that we don’t love or want then we will never discover the life we yearn for. If you want more joy in your life you must make room! Do you want a new career? Are you wanting to travel more? Would you like more time with your family and friends? Do you want a closer view of who you are as a person? If your answer is yes, then you must make room for these things to manifest in your life and you do this by removing the clutter in your home.
Here’s a little secret I’ve learned in my own life using the KonMari method, we have to shed parts of our past in order to make room for a new and fruitful future. By detaching from the things we have deemed to be so important we then create more energy to be present and live our lives fully. Try it! Give yourself permission to let the things go that are ready to leave your life.
That’s my Mom and Dad and I when I was about 5 years old in the photo at the top. I have a balloon in my hand, and you can tell I was a little squirmy and not able to sit still, but I love that we are all smiling and sitting so closely together.
Happy Tidying, Everyone!